You can also find my articles on my google scholar profile.
Published or Forthcoming Journal Articles
- Contextual Inverse Optimization: Offline and Online Learning. O. Besbes, Y. Fonseca and I. Lobel. Operations Research forthcoming.
- An earlier version that includes some of these results appeared at the Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2021, with the title “Online Learning from Optimal Actions.”
- ArCo: An R package to Estimate Artificial Counterfactuals. Y. Fonseca, R. Masini, M. Medeiros, and G. Vasconcelos.R. Journal (2018)
- Package available in R: link
Working Papers
C-Learner: Constrained Optimization for Causal Inference and Semiparametric Statistics. T. Cai, Y. Fonseca, K. Hou and H. Namkoong.
Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Regression Through Stochastic Approximate Gradients. Y. Fonseca, C. Peixoto, Y. Saporito.
- Signaling Competition in Two-Sided Markets. O. Besbes, Y. Fonseca, I. Lobel and F. Zheng.
- An earlier version that includes some of these results appeared at EC’23, Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation.
- Second Place, RMP Jeff McGill Student Paper Award, 2023
- BooST: Boosting Smooth Trees for Partial Effect Estimation in Nonlinear Regressions. Y. Fonseca, M. Medeiros, G. Vasconcelos and A. Veiga.
Refereed Conferences
Signaling Competition in Two-Sided Markets. O. Besbes, Y. Fonseca, I. Lobel and F. Zheng. EC’23, Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation.
Statistical Learning and Inverse Problems: A Functional Gradient Descent Approach. Y. Fonseca and Y. Saporito. Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Online Learning from Optimal Actions. O. Besbes, Y. Fonseca and I. Lobel. COLT’ 21, 34th Annual Conference on Learning Theory.
Work in Progress
- Machine Learning and Offline Contextual Optimization. O. Besbes, Y. Fonseca, and I. Lobel.
Prior Life
Relação entre os parâmetros de rugosidade 3D e a molhabilidade do titânio com grãos micrométricos e sub-micrométricos G. Leite, Y. Fonseca, A. Gomes, and C. Elias. Matéria (Rio de Janeiro), 25, 2020.
Modeling of the influence of chemical composition, sintering temperature, density, and thickness in the light transmittance of four zirconia dental prostheses Y. Fonseca, C. Elias, S. Monteiro, H. Dos Santos, and C. Dos Santos. Materials, 12(16), 2529, 2019.
Extensiometric analysis of strain in craniofacial bones during implant-supported palatal expansion Elias, Carlos Nelson; Jogaib, Daniel; Zanivan, Daniel; Fonseca, Yuri. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2017.